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Photo of Roberto Diaz Garcia Costa Rica

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Roberto Díaz García

Born in Managua, Nicaragua on December 5, 1953. He began studying art in 1970, the National Academy of Fine Arts in Managua, standing in the field of artistic drawing.

In the year 1972 has the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica, where he decided to stay and continued her studies in drawing and painting at the School-Workshop Casa del Artista, alternating with Ceac Academic Studies in Spain,...

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Photo of Roberto Diaz Garcia Costa Rica

Roberto Díaz García

Born in Managua, Nicaragua on December 5, 1953. He began studying art in 1970, the National Academy of Fine Arts in Managua, standing in the field of artistic drawing.

In the year 1972 has the opportunity to travel to Costa Rica, where he decided to stay and continued her studies in drawing and painting at the School-Workshop Casa del Artista, alternating with Ceac Academic Studies in Spain, specializing in drawing pen.

In the year 1979 is part of the Park of Expression, which was a founding member, he took classes in sculpture, ceramics patterned, wood carving, also in the House of the Artist with Master Nestor Varela Zeledon. In the year 1980 takes a free course of Engraving at the University of Costa Rica, with teachers Bernal Bernal Ponce and Madriz.


Since 1978 he obtained nine awards and four honorable mentions.

Costa Rica Rural Landscape, sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and the Costa Rican Art Museum.


1979-Ramírez Valido Collective Gallery

Carmen-Library Collective Lyra

-House of the Artist Collective

National Theatre-Café Collective

1981-The Village Shopping Center Collective

-Jorge Debravo Collective Gallery

-House Artist Collective

Courts-Court (Managua, Nicaragua) Collective

1983-Social Security Fund Individual

-Casa de la Cultura, Puntarenas,

30 Collective Artists of Costa Rica

"Prisma Gallery, San José CR Collective

-Ministry of Justice, Managua, Nicaragua Collective

1984-Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad Collective

National Historical Museum-CR Collective

-Member of Link Group San Jose Costa Rica.

1986-II Biennial Lachner and Saenz

Museum of the Plaza of Culture Collective

1990-Banco Nacional de Costa Rica Collective

AHMA-Gallery, Costa Rica Collective

-Casa de la Cultura, Heredia, CR Collective

1991-Chosen by the Coca Cola Company, represented

Paintings and Landscapes of Costa Rica, Atlanta, United States Individual

"Permanent Gallery, Hotel Don Carlos Collective

2004-Gallery House of Culture, Ministry of Culture, Guadalupe, Collective

San José, Grupo Tempo Art

Moving group of 12 artists to the Provinces of

Costa Rica and bringing art to communities as

slogan to promote the Culture Pictorial, with sponsorship

the Ministry of Culture.

2007-Special Guest of Carthage College. -CUC-Collective

VII International Exhibition of Art Libre Hernan Hidalgo

Exhibition Hotel San José Palacio, July 2007 Collective

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